Orso and Orfeo Wrestling Match!

Blogged under Wrestling by on Tuesday 8 March 2011 at 12:01 am

We all know that Orso is no stranger to wrestling and if you’ve been following Muscle Hunks you’ll have seen his performance with Agosto and Pablo a few months back.  That was one hell of a muscle fans dream come true wasn’t it?  If you missed it then click here and go and check it out; you might have to scroll down the page a little, but you’ll see the three of them standing around looking very muscle clad!

But this month we see Orso with the very lovely Orfeo; it is the ultimate Muscle Hunk black on white muscle challenge.  Which one of these powerful men won the day at the wrestling match?  You’ll have to become a member to find out of course, but my guess is that they both got bored trying to defeat the other, realising how powerful each of them werer, and probably decided to jack off instead!  Now that sounds like a wonderful idea doesn’t it?

We love featuring the wrestlers on the blog because they provoke such animal instincts in our readers and they get everyone excited about seeing those sweaty, oily muscles tensing and rubbing against each other.  To see the great Orso’s black muscles relfecting the light as he tries to put his opponent on the canvas is a sight for sore eyes!

If you want more of these two rock hard guys then go over to Muscle Hunks and get  a load more while you’re at it!

Kevin Collins is Live!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 4 March 2011 at 12:01 am

That’s right, you know that Muscle Hunks now do live shows don’t you?  If you didn’t I don’t want to go into what you may have missed already!  However, all is not lost beause the lovely fitness model Kevin Collins is going to be featuring live on Muscle Hunks show on March 11th 2011.  Mark that one down on your calendar guys, or pop it in your iPhone or whatever you use to keep you connected to the world outside.

Kevin Collins has been a muscle builder for a number of years now and he’s well used to turning heads wherever he goes.  He loves the fact that he has a queue of people waiting to chat with him everytime he goes on live, and he loves all the adoration he gets from his gay muscle fans:

These guys are why I do it all.  I love to get my body out, don’t get me wrong, but it has to be for a purpose and not just to make money.  I see that I’m pleasing the gay muscle worshippers who tune into Muscle Hunks, and that makes me feel really happy; afterall, if you’re going to do a job you may aswell do it properly.

If you want to see him for yourself and check out his profile on Muscle hunks then go and have a look; but don’t forget that date my friends.

Ludovic has the power!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 1 March 2011 at 12:01 am

Ludovic Bogaert certainly does have the power, and this picture of him from Miami in 2010 is proof enough.  This guy has been a professional body builder for as long as I or anyone else I know can remember; and he doesn’t show any signs of stopping now.

Along with the competitions, Ludovic can’t get enough of the admiration you gay muscle fans deliver him on a daily basis, and for this reason he’s doing the rounds on Muscle Gallery at the moment.  Ludovic has been all over the muscle sites, but he says he like Muscle Gallery because they present him just how he likes to be seen; all powerful!

With muscles like that we’re not surprised why Ludovic gets such as kick out his body and the admiration it received from his gay muscle worshippers; a body like that deserves nothing less than absolute worship.  Those shoulders of his are like huge wrecking balls stuck to the top of his rippled body, and those arms are like the arms from a giant construction crane, able to lift and crush anything beneath them!

If you want to get a little more of Ludovic Bogaert then all you need to do is hop along to Muscle Gallery and check out the numerous picture sets he has on there; it’s not only pictures either, I think there may be a few vids too!

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