Kevin Collins is Live!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 4 March 2011 at 12:01 am

That’s right, you know that Muscle Hunks now do live shows don’t you?  If you didn’t I don’t want to go into what you may have missed already!  However, all is not lost beause the lovely fitness model Kevin Collins is going to be featuring live on Muscle Hunks show on March 11th 2011.  Mark that one down on your calendar guys, or pop it in your iPhone or whatever you use to keep you connected to the world outside.

Kevin Collins has been a muscle builder for a number of years now and he’s well used to turning heads wherever he goes.  He loves the fact that he has a queue of people waiting to chat with him everytime he goes on live, and he loves all the adoration he gets from his gay muscle fans:

These guys are why I do it all.  I love to get my body out, don’t get me wrong, but it has to be for a purpose and not just to make money.  I see that I’m pleasing the gay muscle worshippers who tune into Muscle Hunks, and that makes me feel really happy; afterall, if you’re going to do a job you may aswell do it properly.

If you want to see him for yourself and check out his profile on Muscle hunks then go and have a look; but don’t forget that date my friends.