Lozenzo Kaiden is a hard man!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 18 March 2011 at 12:01 am

Lorenzo Kaiden is certainly a hard man, and we’ll get straight to the point on this issue (no pun intended), he’s hard in more ways than the one folks.  You might think that those muscles look like they’ve been carved out of solid stone, but wait until you see his dick!  This guy has one of the hardest, most upright cocks in the business; but because we’re feeling a little cruel today you’ll have to go directly to the website to see it!

Disregarding his cock for a moment, if indeed you can do that, you can’t help but notice that Lorenzo has been seriously working out.  His body is in near perfect condition; an absolute prize for any gay muscle worshipper to behold.  We’ve been studying his pectorals and biceps most of the morning but still can’t work out how he looks so lean and yet so large and powerful.  You could almost put him down as an extremely fit and muscular boxer or something couldn’t you?

Lorenzo is pleased to be at Powermen at the moment and he’s done a number of shoots for them already.  Go and check them all out, if you can divert your eyes from the huge pole protruding from between his legs then you’ll be surprised to see such a body in all its glory.
