Muscle men online at Muscle Gallery

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 25 March 2011 at 12:01 am

There are always a load of powerful guys online at Muscle Gallery and they’re all dying to show off.  Muscle Gallery pick their guys strictly for this reason, it’s all about showing off that muscle they’ve been developing for years and getting a return on all that hard work from their gay muscle worshippers.  Gay muscle worship is what these guys live for, as well as the fact that it pays their rent!

The one in the pictures is the wonderful Benjamin Jackson.  He is a body builder of some repute and has worked very hard for a number of years to get into this state of physical excellence.  At only 24 years old, Benjamin Jackson (little brother of the famous Amerigo) has had to work exceptionally hard to get his body in this condition, but now he has it he tells us that it’s not that difficult to stay in shape:

Once you get to a certain level body building becomes as natural as eating and sleeping; it’s a way of life for me now.  When I work out now, I enjoy the pain and the effort it takes, whereas in the early days it really was quite difficult.  I suppose it’s like saving up to buy a fancy car.  All the hard work is in the saving, then all you have to do is look after it and polish it now and again.

Well we’re certain that Benjamin’s bodywork is in excellent condition, and it’s clear that he’s been giving it a lot of attention.  To see this guy stretching and flexing is to be in gay muscle worship heaven.  Go along to Muscle Gallery and check if he’s still online.