Ludovic has the power!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 1 March 2011 at 12:01 am

Ludovic Bogaert certainly does have the power, and this picture of him from Miami in 2010 is proof enough.  This guy has been a professional body builder for as long as I or anyone else I know can remember; and he doesn’t show any signs of stopping now.

Along with the competitions, Ludovic can’t get enough of the admiration you gay muscle fans deliver him on a daily basis, and for this reason he’s doing the rounds on Muscle Gallery at the moment.  Ludovic has been all over the muscle sites, but he says he like Muscle Gallery because they present him just how he likes to be seen; all powerful!

With muscles like that we’re not surprised why Ludovic gets such as kick out his body and the admiration it received from his gay muscle worshippers; a body like that deserves nothing less than absolute worship.  Those shoulders of his are like huge wrecking balls stuck to the top of his rippled body, and those arms are like the arms from a giant construction crane, able to lift and crush anything beneath them!

If you want to get a little more of Ludovic Bogaert then all you need to do is hop along to Muscle Gallery and check out the numerous picture sets he has on there; it’s not only pictures either, I think there may be a few vids too!