Christian Bach is the Latino Muscle God!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 11 March 2011 at 12:01 am

This piece of ass is the muscle god of the Latino world folks.  Never before have we come across a Latino muscle builder as well presented as this guy; maybe that’s something to do with, but we’d like to think it’s more to do with the natural charisma of this giant among men.

He has that serious look on his face, the one that he no doubt wears when he’s lifting a real heavy set on the bench; perhaps all the muscle building has left him with that expression permanently?  We don’t care however, we happen to love our muscle builders to have that quiet, brooding look about them, it makes them appear to be much more mysterious with a lovely shade of arrogance about them.

Christain loves his job and doesn’t really wish for anything else in his life at the moment; muscle buliding and the gay muscle worship he gets, along with his huge paypacket are enough for him at the momet.  He’s pleased with this set from Powermen and he’s sure to return very soon to do some more; this is because they look after him so very well over there (I ask you, who wouldn’t want to take him in?)