Cody Lewis

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 21 February 2012 at 8:16 am

When you look at Cody Lewis in this picture, taken in Miami last year, you can’t help but think, how much bigger can this guy get?  Those muscles are so pumped it looks as though his veins will burst through his skin.  What a body builder!

When it comes to body building there are few muscle men that take it as seriously as Cody.  He’s been training since before he can remember and he’s always had a healthy appetite for competition.  This arrogant mountain of muscle is so confident when it comes to competitions that he often wins simply by walking onto a stage.  You can’t build that kind of stage presence guys, you’ve either got it or you haven’t; and Cody certainly has.

So for all you gay muscle fans out there, get on over to Muscle Gallery now and see all his other sets; there are hundreds of pictures of this guy!