Mike Rogers is the muscle next door

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 10 February 2012 at 5:38 am

Mike Rogers is one of those guys who comes around once in a blue moon.  He’s got all the muscle you’d expect from Powermen.com, but he’s also got that rather innocent, boyish look about him that appears to have stumbled onto something he hadn’t quite imagined.  We can only presume that this stunned look of innocence is something to do with the whole experience of shooting gay muscle content with one of the best muscle sites in the world.


We spoke to him about his experience with Powermen.com:

It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before!  I knew that it would be knew and exciting, but I never realised it would be this good.  The people have been so nice to me and arranged everything I need.  I’ve been encouraged to workout a little more than I usually do and I’m very pleased with the results when I look in the mirrors now.  The gay muscle fanbase is growing and I really think I’ve found a new direction for my body building; now it seems that I have an audience that really appreciates me!

You can say that again Mike, no one appreciates you more than we do at Muscle Videos!

If you want more of this young power man then get yourself over there now!
