Nemeth is a mountain of a man!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 26 April 2011 at 12:01 am

This 30 year old powerlifter and champion bodybuilder has the ultimate power house of a body, and when you see him live and in person you’re likely to pass out with the excitement.  That’s right, you can see him on your screen responding to your requests by clicking on   He’s online right now folks (well he was when I wrote this blog post!)  I have it on good authority that all the gay muscle action you get with Nemeth is likely to be some of the best you’ve ever had.

So, does his career revolve completely around muscle building and championship lifting competitions?  No it doesn’t folks, he’s a very keen male model and does numerous photo shoots for mainstream and gay muscle media.  His favourite pass-time of all however is appearing on liovemuscleshow for all his gay muscle following.  Nemeth has a following that would rival a rock star and when he’s online you’d better get their quickly or you’ll miss out on your opportunity of an amazing live muscle show

He tells us all about  it:

It’s certainly the fans that keep you going in the end.  In the beginning it’s all about the fitness, then it soon turns into your look and improving it, then the fans come along when you start winning the competitions; but now that I can give a lot more back to the fans I’m enjoying my muscle career more than ever!