Tommy Rockets is the man to watch!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 12 April 2011 at 12:01 am

There is nothing like watching a musclebuilder climb his way to the very top of his career, and Tommy Rockets is a guy on his way up right now.  Just look at these pictures taken from his very latest sets on  Anyone can see that Tommy is at the peak of his physical fitness and that his body is looking the best it has ever looked.

At only 20 years old and already one of the biggest gay muscle icons in the business, one can only imagine how far this young stud will actually go.  Gay muscle worshippers all over the world have already logged into Powermen to download his new photo sets, and now he has a grand total of 8 video clips and 33 photos on site.  The photos are truly great, but if you really want to see Tommy’s rocket you simply have to check out the videos to truly appreciate it!

So go along to Powermen right now and download all of Tommy Rocket’s content; and remember that with a muscle builder this popular, there are sure to be plenty of updates from him in the future; and if you become a member of Powermen you’ll have enough other guys to keep you entertained until Tommy does another set!

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