Rico Elbaz is the God!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 24 May 2011 at 12:01 am

This guy really does look like a God doesn’t he?  Or at least how I would imagine a God to look.  He has all the muscles in the right place and in this shot they’re shining like he’s just dropped from the clouds to bless us all with his magnificence!

Rico is one of the most serious muscle builders we’ve ever met on Muscle Videos, and when he talks about his career he talks with such passion and detachment from anything else in what we would consider as the real world, sometimes it’s quite scary!  This guy eats, drinks and sleeps muscle building; and it’s certainly paid off hasn’t it?

We love Rico the most because he’s in beautiful proportion.  It’s almost as though this massive legend of a muscle builder has been designed in the same way as they design action figures for children; he is the quintessential muscle man!  When you imagine the ancient civilisations of the earth and their warriors at the peak of their physical fitness you picture something like you see in front of you now don’ t you?  Either that or a gladiator ready to fight for his right to live as a free man.  Rico represents everything that strength and power have meant for centuries of man on earth.

Check him out on Muscle Hunks right now and see even more of these pictures and even a load of videos too.

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