Bruce Wang has one hell of a wanger!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 9 March 2012 at 4:21 am

You can see from the pictures that Bruce has a lot to admire, and he’s one of the big deals on at the moment.  They’ve featured many new faces on that website in recent months, but none as popular as Bruce is proving to be.  His member’s area pictures are all hyped up, but we have to say that you have to see them to believe them; this guy is a gay muscle icon!

He never intended to get into the business of gay muscle worship however.  It was originally his intention to have a career in powerlifting, but when he found that he was getting a lot more attention than he orginally thought he would, he quickly moved to body building competitions and inevitably onto the gay muscle scene.

He told us:

I really love the gay muscle scene at the moment, there are a load of great guys involved and I get to meet some great people.  There’s really nothing like telling people I know about my line of work; I love to shock people and this never fails to do the trick.

We can imagine how popular you’d be Bruce; especially with your wanger out like that!  Check him out on right now.