Timmy Riordan Gay Muscle Icon

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 10 May 2011 at 12:03 am

He might look like the love child of Barak Obama, but there is more to this guy than meets the eye.  Timmy is a wonderful specimen and enormously talented at body building.  He’s been bodybuilding since before he can remember; and that isnt’ because he’s killed all his brain cells off!  When you look at a man like Timmy you can only say three words: Oh My God!  And God is indeed what springs to mind, because all you can think is how could God put something this wonderful on the planet for you.  Well, he did, and regardless of what all the others say is wrong, Timmy Riordan is there for enjoying.

These thick shoulders would look wonderful in a wrestling match against one of our other favorite muscle men, but we simply can’t decide who would be able to stand a minute or more of Timmy’s animalistic power in the ring; he certainly wouldn’t be anything like that WWF rubbish that’s for sure; this guy would wipe the floor with those losers; actually, now that I’ve said that I’m regretting it already!

Check out the one and only Timmy Riordan on Powermen.com right now and have a good time!

Powermen.com Present the Lovely Jiri Lasik

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 6 May 2011 at 12:01 am

Jiri Lasik is one hell of a man, and he’s got a lot to show you!  When it comes to working out Jiri likes nothing more than lifting weights in the gym and looking at himself in the mirror (if it gets us hard it’s bound to at least excite him isn’t it), but what he likes even more than this is the thought that there are a load of gay muscle fans out there jerking off to his massive biceps and lovely pecs.  We caught up with Jiri before this shoot and asked him about it:

To be perfectly honest I’m addicted to my fans!  I love thinking about all those gay muscle worshippers out there in cyber space jerking their cocks and looking at my body.  I work hard on my appearance and I deserve to be honored in this way; some people would call this arrogance, but personally I call it self confidence!

Whatever it is, everyone seems to agree that Jiri is a pretty special commodity and Powermen.com and very lucky to have him.  Here at Muscle Videos we hope you enjoy your time spent with Jiri and get a lot out of the FREE pictures we’ve grabbed for you.  If you want more then you simply have to go over to Powermen and get them; there are a few freebies on offer over there and Jiri has a total 8 video clips and 49 photos available for your amusement.

Double Bicpes from Brian Gunns

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 3 May 2011 at 3:18 am

This guy really knows how to show his gay muscle fans a good time, and with pictures like this he’ll get the whole world hooked on bodybuilding Muscle Hunks.  Brian has been in the industry long enough to know how to put on a pose, and when it comes to his time on Muscle Hunks he really has learned how to put on a good show too.  Onsite at the moment, Musclehunks.com have 2 shoots of this gay muscle icon, consisting of 16 video clips and 37 photos.  The photos and videos are all the greatest quality you’re likely to find on the internet, and just what you’d expect from Musclehunks.com; these guys keep the gay muscle worship world alive these days!

So why does he do it?  Brian tells us all about it:

It’s definately the fitness element that got me into it in the first place.  Now, bodybuilding is my life and I wouldn’t consider doing anything else to be perfectly honest; why waste a body this good! [he laughs]  Mind you, everyone says it’s about the fitness don’t they, but these days, if I was being really honest I’d have to say that it’s mostly about the fans and the adoration.  Gay muscle worshippers have brought me a lot of good fortune and I love it!

So if you love muscle (and we know you do!) and you love Brian Gunns, then get yourself over to Musclehunks.com

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