Ko Ryu is the Muscle Hunk of the day!

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Tuesday 28 September 2010 at 11:54 am

Ko Ryu knows how to be a showman above all else, even above his muscle training (now that’s saying something).  This man can move and position himself in ways that would make you swoon to look upon.  That lovely firm bubble butt of his is as hard as a nearly ripe apple and more than likely just as tasty.

Ko’s modelling career only really took off when Muscle Hunks discovered him and gave him a platform from which to show off to the rest of the world; well the gay muscle worshippers anyway!  There is nothing more satisfying that settling down in the evening with a bottle full of lube and a large selection of Ko Ryu videos and pictures for you to look at.

By far the greatest thing about Ko’s body is his fabulous physique!  Those muscles are really well developed and it must have taken him a long time to get them all pumped up like that until they were suitable for Muscle Hunks (they don’t take just anyone you know).  However, Ko Ryu does have something else in his favor, and it doesn’t have much to do with his muscles.  This has something to do with what the lovely Ko keeps between his legs; he should have a licence for that thing.

Check him out now on Muscle Hunks.
