Powermen.com presents Jack Osborne in Video

Blogged under Only Muscle by on Friday 30 July 2010 at 12:01 am

Jack Osborne has honored Powermen.com by providing another batch of fantastic videos.  When you go to Powermen.com you’ll be able to see there are around 9 videos there already.  You can be sure that powermen will be adding more pretty soon, as soon as Jack gets himself into gear again and ready for another batch.

He’s a dedicated power lifter and body builder though, so i’m not sure that his schedule will allow him to do too much.  However, having said that, when he does return with more videos they’ll be even better than the last ones simply because of all the extra bodybuilding he will have been doing.  There’s nothing better than watching these muscle hunks build their bodies over time, like some kind of specialist architect.  They must look at themselves in the mirror and decide which major muscle group needs work before going ahead and training themselves like mad in order to acheive their full potential.

When you look at Jack’s body though, you’d struggle to see exactly where he can improve.  I suppose he could get bigger, but personally i think that it’s in pretty perfect shape already!

If you’re ready to see what Jack Osborne has to offer you on Powermen.com then go along and have a look right now.
