| Daryl Gee

Blogged under Only Muscle by admin on Tuesday 7 July 2009 at 1:42 pm

Since [tag]Daryl Gee[/tag]‘s first appearance at [tag][/tag] in 2005, the man has put on a lot of [tag]muscle[/tag], now competing at 176, and with an off-season weight of 195. We shot Daryl in [tag]Miami[/tag] in early summer, 2009, and he is close to competition shape. He’s also still great on camera, just as he was four years ago.

Here’s Daryl’s take on the sport of [tag]Bodybuilding[/tag]:

“My outlook about preparing for a competition is fairly simple. This is a sport all about personal limits, will power and satisfaction: all you need to be concerned with is that you did everything at 100% to your knowledge and abilities to bring the best package to the stage. You can’t base your training around what you think your opponents are doing—after all, you never know who is going to show up! Once on the stage, pose with confidence!! Everything from that point is pretty much out of your control, so enjoy yourself. You can’t be disappointed if you did your best. I myself never have expectations; it’s just a set-up for a letdown. Do everything 100% and let the cards fall where they will.”

Words to live by.